Instander respects the intellectual property rights of others and adheres to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). If you believe that your copyrighted content has been infringed upon through our platform, please follow the steps below to submit a takedown request.
1. Filing a DMCA Takedown Notice
To file a DMCA notice, please provide the following details:
- Identification of the Copyrighted Work:A description of the work that is being infringed.
- Identification of the Infringing Content:A link or other description of where the infringing material is located on our platform.
- Your Contact Information:Name, address, email, and phone number.
- Good Faith Statement:A statement confirming that you have a good faith belief that the content has been infringed.
- Signature:Your signature, either physical or electronic, confirming the authenticity of your claim.
Please send your DMCA notice to [email protected].
2. Counter-Notice
If you believe that your content was removed by mistake or misidentification, you may file a counter-notice. Your counter-notice must include:
- A description of the content that was removed and its location before removal.
- A statement under penalty of perjury that you believe the content was removed by mistake.
- Your contact information.
- A statement consenting to the jurisdiction of the court in your area.
3. Repeat Infringer Policy
In accordance with the DMCA, Instander may suspend or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe on copyrights.